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Blog by

Manvel Saroyan

Year 2021 in review

Year 2021 in review: rewriting CBA, Leaving Adblock Plus team, joining bardeen.ai and moving to Croatia.

Rewriting Chromium Browser Automation

History of the Chromium Browser Automation, why and what have we rewritten, open sourcing it, challenges and the future of CBA.

Year 2019 in review

Year 2019 in reaview, about releasing CMintS, JAMStack radio podcast, i18n presenation, rewriting Privacy Manage and working part-time.

Rewriting Privacy Manager

New web components showcase, automated test implementation using puppeteer for browser extensions and more changes in the new version of the Privacy Manager.

Internationalization Main Points

Presentation about Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n). The talk covers different technics for multi-language websites creation, Layouting, SEO, Linguistic details, Fonts, translation management systems and etc.


CMintS is a CMS and Static Site Generator for single and multi-language websites creation. Comprehensive i18n implementation, create themes using EJS, LESS and Modular JS, write content using Markdown and get TMS integration out of the box.

Why use Static Site Generator(SSG)?

Security, free hosting and blazing fast speed of Static Site Generators. Three reasons of choosing Static Site Generator over classic CMS.

| ssg

Year 2018 in review

Year 2018 in reaview, about cmints, talks, manvel.me blog and Fuck Yeah Button statistics.

Fuck Yeah Button

Story of the Fuck Yeah Button creation. This happens to be the most silly project I have ever worked on and it happens to be the result of a regular discussion during the lunch at our office.

Privacy Manager

Privacy Manager is a chrome extension for data transparency and control

Chromium browser automation

Chromium Browser Automation(CBA) is a automation system for chrome browser which is designed to help users with automation of daily routine work